I was excited, and also a lot a bit nervous to quilt my first client quilt. It's ok if I mess up on my own fabric, but for a customer, it has to be perfect, right? Luckily in my disclaimer at my quilt guild meeting I mentioned that I am a beginner, and that these would be my practice quilts.
So, this quilt did not come out perfectly (practice makes perfect), but it was definitely a step in the right direction. I got to practice my SITD (stitch in the ditch), freehand, as well as using my groovy board templates, so future quilts should come out better! I also learned the importance of quality thread, as the majority of my troubles came from tension problems: thread breaking, seeing top thread on back, bottom thread on top, etc. Luckily I used better thread for my second client quilt, but you're just going to have to wait to see that one!
Closeup of the teddy bear. I used a basic meander/stipple over the bear's body. |
Corner detail: crosshatching over yellow background, Groovyboard heart in corner, loopy pink border, freehand loops with stars and hearts over outside border. |
Back of the quilt: basic meander over teddy bear body. |
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