Again, it has been a while since my last post (just over a month), but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I somehow managed to get my longarm machine and table to my house from my parent's house and I have really enjoyed playing around on it.
Due to size constraints, both of car and house, I have only been able to set up the 8 foot section of the table up, so I can only do quilts that are less than 86" wide, but that should be enough to get me started!
I had tension problems at first as you can see above the bar. |
At my last guild meeting I announced my intention of starting a longarm quilting business and offered to machine quilt up to 10 baby size quilts free of charge to get some practice. I've done 2 so far, and my skills really seem to be improving every time I quilt.
Of course I took pictures of the 2 quilts I have completed, but I will save that for a later post.
In the meantime you can check them out, and much more on my facebook business page:
Quilt ME